The President’s Pen | A note from Kevin Ruppelt, VP & GM, Eemax, Inc.What a great time to be a part of the Eemax story as we continue to grow at a rate 4 times faster than what the water heating industry overall is experiencing. This hyper growth is attributed to the entire Eemax team and our extended network of reps who are sharing on a daily basis the value of utilizing tankless electric products. Growth is also generated by having a keen focus on customers and meeting their expectations. At Eemax we don’t look behind us…or at the competition…but we look where no one else is going—we call it the Big Blue Ocean Strategy. In the near future you will see several innovations come to life as we develop new ways to utilize tankless electric technology.
In August, we opened our Northeast Innovation Learning Center, and had more than 100 people attend the grand opening. If you have not yet seen our new center, please plan a visit! Or, better yet, bring your customers in and be part of the innovation learning process.
Where would you put your money? Into a company with moderate growth, or one with hyper growth. Eemax’s success has enabled us to invest in innovation, infrastructure, training, and people. Speaking of which, we have added several new team members in engineering, marketing, product management, manufacturing, and customer service. Stop by, meet our team, and be part of the excitement!
Thanks for all you do. Our brightest days continue to be ahead of us!
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